Candlelighters is a non-profit organization, providing support to over a thousand families affected by childhood cancer in Oregon and SW Washington. Recognizing various needs of individuals and families, we offer our support and services, without regard to economics, race, religion, choice of physician(s) or health care facilities.
This September will be second year joining the Candlelighter’s team to ride in Cycle Oregon . As many of you may know, my ride last year was stopped less than a ¼ of a mile from the finish line when I took a spill on the bike path and was knocked unconscious. Post accident I needed to take some time to mend my head and my shoulder, but I knew that I wanted to get back in the saddle.
My honored child this year is 9 year old Guatam. Guatam has been battling High Risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia since his diagnosis on March 3, 2009
Guatam loves basketball, swimming, Legos and PS4. He looks up to his parents and his older brother, Kabir(11). When he grows up he wants to play in the NBA and get his PhD in Law.
The Cycle Oregon ride is along Oregon’s Southern Coastline this year. We will start in Myrtle Creek and will ride through Camas Valley, Bandon, Gold Beach, Brookings, Indian Mary Park and Glendale. We will start the ride on September 11th and will finish up on September 17th.
This years Candlelighter’s team will consist of 38 riders, 7 honored children and 6 camp support volunteers. I ride in honor of Guatum, for the amazing work that Candlelighter’s does and for the awareness of all children battling cancer and their families.
Please consider supporting Guatam and myself on this ride. Any amount helps me to my goal of raising $5000, and every penny is so greatly appreciated. If you would like to learn more about Candlelighter’s you can visit their website at